Read: Romans 8:6-11
This scripture deals with two categories of people. Those who are dominated by their sinful nature and those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit. It warns that persons who are led by their sinful nature will face death since they are dominated by sinful things, hostile to God, and disobey his laws. On the other hand, those whose minds are governed by the Spirit, and belong to Christ, will have life and peace.
The Holy Spirit is God’s promise or guarantee of eternal life for those who believe in him, that he is the son of God, and that eternal life comes through him. Christ knew that the Holy Spirit would always be with us everywhere we go, leading, and guiding us. He also knew that we would need help to understand his plan for us. So, He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside us as our guide, comforter, teacher, counsellor, and advocate. The Spirit is within us by faith, and by faith we are certain to live with Christ forever. Because Christ is righteous, and we are in him and he in us, even though our bodies are subject to death because of sin, the spirit will give life to our mortal bodies. The Holy Spirit therefore plays an essential role in our salvation.
Thus, once we have said yes to Jesus, we should continue to follow him since his way brings life and peace. We must consciously choose to center our lives on God by using the bible to discover God’s guidelines and following them. In addition, we must trust and obey the Holy Spirit in us, resting in the knowledge that in him we are becoming more like Christ in everything God planned for us.
Thank you Jesus for sending us the Holy Spirit to guide us, and to help us stay in a steadfast communion with Christ. Amen.
Agnes & Ray Beache
This scripture deals with two categories of people. Those who are dominated by their sinful nature and those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit. It warns that persons who are led by their sinful nature will face death since they are dominated by sinful things, hostile to God, and disobey his laws. On the other hand, those whose minds are governed by the Spirit, and belong to Christ, will have life and peace.
The Holy Spirit is God’s promise or guarantee of eternal life for those who believe in him, that he is the son of God, and that eternal life comes through him. Christ knew that the Holy Spirit would always be with us everywhere we go, leading, and guiding us. He also knew that we would need help to understand his plan for us. So, He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside us as our guide, comforter, teacher, counsellor, and advocate. The Spirit is within us by faith, and by faith we are certain to live with Christ forever. Because Christ is righteous, and we are in him and he in us, even though our bodies are subject to death because of sin, the spirit will give life to our mortal bodies. The Holy Spirit therefore plays an essential role in our salvation.
Thus, once we have said yes to Jesus, we should continue to follow him since his way brings life and peace. We must consciously choose to center our lives on God by using the bible to discover God’s guidelines and following them. In addition, we must trust and obey the Holy Spirit in us, resting in the knowledge that in him we are becoming more like Christ in everything God planned for us.
Thank you Jesus for sending us the Holy Spirit to guide us, and to help us stay in a steadfast communion with Christ. Amen.
Agnes & Ray Beache