Read: John 12:1-8
Probably you remember that Lazarus had been raised from the dead (11:38). The action here is at Lazarus’s house. We are told that Mary produces “a pound of costly nard” so we can reasonably infer that Lazarus, Mary and Martha are well off. Then Judas takes exception, criticizing Mary for her extravagance and he estimates the value of the nard at 300 denarii (about a year’s income for a laborer), which he says should have been given to the poor. The text lets us have no doubts that Judas is being altruistic here. Now Jesus intervenes in defense of Mary, saying she bought this in anticipation of his death. This is amazing: even the disciples have not understood where the politics of the time were leading but Mary does, a true disciple indeed!
Prayer: Lord God our Father/Mother, we have very little idea that your passion here on earth through your Son, Jesus, somehow forgives our sinful ways. We can only plead for your mercy. Amen.
Jim Langworthy
Probably you remember that Lazarus had been raised from the dead (11:38). The action here is at Lazarus’s house. We are told that Mary produces “a pound of costly nard” so we can reasonably infer that Lazarus, Mary and Martha are well off. Then Judas takes exception, criticizing Mary for her extravagance and he estimates the value of the nard at 300 denarii (about a year’s income for a laborer), which he says should have been given to the poor. The text lets us have no doubts that Judas is being altruistic here. Now Jesus intervenes in defense of Mary, saying she bought this in anticipation of his death. This is amazing: even the disciples have not understood where the politics of the time were leading but Mary does, a true disciple indeed!
Prayer: Lord God our Father/Mother, we have very little idea that your passion here on earth through your Son, Jesus, somehow forgives our sinful ways. We can only plead for your mercy. Amen.
Jim Langworthy