Read: I Samuel 16:1-13
Lent is the Christian observance of the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert.
Jesus is the son of God and king for himself and like Jesus David was provided as king for “Myself”(1c) Again, David was anointed for “Me”(God’s) and like Jesus “This is My beloved Son”(Matthew 3:17).
Based on the above and God’s chosen Ones in the Bible, we find these people are usually the humble, lowly, unnoticed ones, the outcasts, undesirables and most times even rejected by their own BUT chosen by God Himself(1 Peter 2:4) This could be a picture of God’s Redemption of the human race.
We all fall into sin but all who choose to have a heart of Faith & Repentance are chosen by God like David. Therefore from this Lent season & beyond, let us be like David. Let us work diligently wherever we are positioned looking towards pleasing God and our fellow human beings even when we are not being compensated, acknowledged, favored, or noticed. Our God who does not look at our physical appearances BUT our hearts will justify and reward all our efforts for his glory for himself, Amen.
Susan Osifade
Lent is the Christian observance of the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert.
Jesus is the son of God and king for himself and like Jesus David was provided as king for “Myself”(1c) Again, David was anointed for “Me”(God’s) and like Jesus “This is My beloved Son”(Matthew 3:17).
Based on the above and God’s chosen Ones in the Bible, we find these people are usually the humble, lowly, unnoticed ones, the outcasts, undesirables and most times even rejected by their own BUT chosen by God Himself(1 Peter 2:4) This could be a picture of God’s Redemption of the human race.
We all fall into sin but all who choose to have a heart of Faith & Repentance are chosen by God like David. Therefore from this Lent season & beyond, let us be like David. Let us work diligently wherever we are positioned looking towards pleasing God and our fellow human beings even when we are not being compensated, acknowledged, favored, or noticed. Our God who does not look at our physical appearances BUT our hearts will justify and reward all our efforts for his glory for himself, Amen.
Susan Osifade