Read: Psalm 23:4-6
The Divine Shepherd
In today’s reading, the psalmist David is comparing his relationship with God to that of a good shepherd and his flock. According to David, a good shepherd knows where to lead his flock and often generously provides these things for each animal’s needs: nourishment, guidance, shelter, and protection. The qualities that God has that the human shepherd does not possess, however, are God’s continuous presence and spiritual guidance in our lives.
God’s continuous presence and spiritual guidance in David’s life has helped him in times of great dangers that may have led to his physical or/and spiritual death. The psalmist/David says that God or the Divine Shepherd “restores my soul” and “leads me in right paths for His name’s sake.” These statements affirm that only belief in God’s omnipotence can truly heal the body and soul of humans.
David also alludes to God’s continuous presence in his life when he states, “I will fear no evil for you are with me.” God was certainly with David when he faced and defeated the Philistine giant Goliath. Though David’s life had many ups and downs, he still felt that God had not forsaken him when he ends the psalm with these words: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.”
How else could any of us stand up to the Goliaths of this world if we are not confident in God’s continuous presence in our lives? Who else could we ask to deliver us from evil and the temptations of this world and to give us our daily bread, keep us on the right paths, give us shelter from the storm, or cure our sick bodies and deteriorating minds? The Divine Shepherd is the only one who can fulfill our needs and can lead us to the life eternal-- if we truly want it.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your tenacious pursuit of us through your continuous loving presence in our lives. Help us to feel your presence and love in the smallest of circumstances and to model our lives after the life of the Divine Shepherd. Amen.
Deborah Pleasant
The Divine Shepherd
In today’s reading, the psalmist David is comparing his relationship with God to that of a good shepherd and his flock. According to David, a good shepherd knows where to lead his flock and often generously provides these things for each animal’s needs: nourishment, guidance, shelter, and protection. The qualities that God has that the human shepherd does not possess, however, are God’s continuous presence and spiritual guidance in our lives.
God’s continuous presence and spiritual guidance in David’s life has helped him in times of great dangers that may have led to his physical or/and spiritual death. The psalmist/David says that God or the Divine Shepherd “restores my soul” and “leads me in right paths for His name’s sake.” These statements affirm that only belief in God’s omnipotence can truly heal the body and soul of humans.
David also alludes to God’s continuous presence in his life when he states, “I will fear no evil for you are with me.” God was certainly with David when he faced and defeated the Philistine giant Goliath. Though David’s life had many ups and downs, he still felt that God had not forsaken him when he ends the psalm with these words: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.”
How else could any of us stand up to the Goliaths of this world if we are not confident in God’s continuous presence in our lives? Who else could we ask to deliver us from evil and the temptations of this world and to give us our daily bread, keep us on the right paths, give us shelter from the storm, or cure our sick bodies and deteriorating minds? The Divine Shepherd is the only one who can fulfill our needs and can lead us to the life eternal-- if we truly want it.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your tenacious pursuit of us through your continuous loving presence in our lives. Help us to feel your presence and love in the smallest of circumstances and to model our lives after the life of the Divine Shepherd. Amen.
Deborah Pleasant