Read: John 12:20-26
Okay let us be honest, how many of you, after reading this passage responded the same way I did… “Oh boy, what is this all about?”!! Well, I am not too sure I can give this scripture any justice, but I am going to try and explain what I see it is trying to tell us.
So, this passage starts out telling us about some Greeks that asked to speak to Jesus and ends with Jesus saying that if we love our lives, we will lose it but if we hate our lives, we will have eternal life (John 12:25). This verse also tells us how a grain of wheat that falls to the ground and left unattended will die but in death it produces much more grain. This is what I feel this scripture is telling us: we are not to hate the things we do in our lives, but we are to put Jesus in the things we do in our lives, to share our testimony. In other words don’t do what you do to gain for yourself, to pat yourself on the back, to look to praise yourself or have others praise you…no, no, no…Jesus wants us to be like him, help those in need, spread the good news of Christ, be welcoming to all, not just some but all, don’t judge others, humble yourself!!
Most gracious Lord help us remember to it is not about us, but it is all about you!!
Cindy Harding
Certified Lay Servant
Okay let us be honest, how many of you, after reading this passage responded the same way I did… “Oh boy, what is this all about?”!! Well, I am not too sure I can give this scripture any justice, but I am going to try and explain what I see it is trying to tell us.
So, this passage starts out telling us about some Greeks that asked to speak to Jesus and ends with Jesus saying that if we love our lives, we will lose it but if we hate our lives, we will have eternal life (John 12:25). This verse also tells us how a grain of wheat that falls to the ground and left unattended will die but in death it produces much more grain. This is what I feel this scripture is telling us: we are not to hate the things we do in our lives, but we are to put Jesus in the things we do in our lives, to share our testimony. In other words don’t do what you do to gain for yourself, to pat yourself on the back, to look to praise yourself or have others praise you…no, no, no…Jesus wants us to be like him, help those in need, spread the good news of Christ, be welcoming to all, not just some but all, don’t judge others, humble yourself!!
Most gracious Lord help us remember to it is not about us, but it is all about you!!
Cindy Harding
Certified Lay Servant