Read: I Peter 4:1-8
Living For God
“Goodbye world I stay no longer with you. Goodbye pleasures of sin, I stay no longer with you. I have made up my mind to go God’s way the rest of my life.” (Mclurkin, D: 2000). This heartfelt composition reflects a firm resolve to turn away from worldly pleasures and embrace a life aligned with God’s path.
Today’s devotional text, Peter similarly is encouraging us to be done with sin and to relinquish ourselves of evil earthly human desires but rather to live for the will of God. Peter Galilean ‘fisher -of - men reminds us that as elect believers of Christ sanctified by his holy spirit, Christians have an enormous privilege and great responsibility to walk in humble obedience towards our God and Savior Jesus Christ who shed his life blood on our behalf according to his abundant mercy and great goodness.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life are things in the world that massage the old sin nature into ungodly acts and unholy thoughts, but we are to abstain from worldly pursuits, evil desires, sensual passions and carnal cravings, which cause an internal turmoil and inner conflict with the new life we received at salvation - and which can sadly result in an unfruitful life that does not honor our God and Savior.
We are pilgrims passing through a foreign world and our desire should be to follow our father’s will. May we never forget that as Christians we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, called and chosen to proclaim the praises of the one who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. We are soldiers in a spiritual battle for the souls of those that are dead in their sins, and we are to be the salt and light in a decaying and darkened world that has rejected the truth of God for a lie.
Be encouraged and take to heart the writings of the ageing apostle Peter, to stay away from the pleasures of sin and who urges us to conduct ourselves as befits our heavenly father status. Let us seek only to carry out the will of our Heavenly Father- to his eternal praise and glory.
God of mercy, grace and compassion, thank you for your word and wise instructions. Thank you that I am a new creation in Christ and Citizenship of a holy nation. Thank you that I am an alien and stranger in a lost and dying world. May my life be a living sacrifice that is honoring unto the Lord and tells of your goodness. In Christ Jesus name I pray. Amen
Judith Tanner
Certified Lay Servant
Living For God
“Goodbye world I stay no longer with you. Goodbye pleasures of sin, I stay no longer with you. I have made up my mind to go God’s way the rest of my life.” (Mclurkin, D: 2000). This heartfelt composition reflects a firm resolve to turn away from worldly pleasures and embrace a life aligned with God’s path.
Today’s devotional text, Peter similarly is encouraging us to be done with sin and to relinquish ourselves of evil earthly human desires but rather to live for the will of God. Peter Galilean ‘fisher -of - men reminds us that as elect believers of Christ sanctified by his holy spirit, Christians have an enormous privilege and great responsibility to walk in humble obedience towards our God and Savior Jesus Christ who shed his life blood on our behalf according to his abundant mercy and great goodness.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life are things in the world that massage the old sin nature into ungodly acts and unholy thoughts, but we are to abstain from worldly pursuits, evil desires, sensual passions and carnal cravings, which cause an internal turmoil and inner conflict with the new life we received at salvation - and which can sadly result in an unfruitful life that does not honor our God and Savior.
We are pilgrims passing through a foreign world and our desire should be to follow our father’s will. May we never forget that as Christians we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, called and chosen to proclaim the praises of the one who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. We are soldiers in a spiritual battle for the souls of those that are dead in their sins, and we are to be the salt and light in a decaying and darkened world that has rejected the truth of God for a lie.
Be encouraged and take to heart the writings of the ageing apostle Peter, to stay away from the pleasures of sin and who urges us to conduct ourselves as befits our heavenly father status. Let us seek only to carry out the will of our Heavenly Father- to his eternal praise and glory.
God of mercy, grace and compassion, thank you for your word and wise instructions. Thank you that I am a new creation in Christ and Citizenship of a holy nation. Thank you that I am an alien and stranger in a lost and dying world. May my life be a living sacrifice that is honoring unto the Lord and tells of your goodness. In Christ Jesus name I pray. Amen
Judith Tanner
Certified Lay Servant