Read: Numbers 21:7-9
During this time, God had freed the people from Egypt and provided for them but after a while, the complaints and grumbling resumed. A continued characteristic of humans, we want to feel blessed but complain because our desires shift to something else making the blessings we receive seem irrelevant. Ironically the people were punished through snakes and were frustrated of snake bites. Creating the snakes would take time but it gave the people a moment to humble themselves and ask for forgiveness. It should sound familiar to each of us. I believe we can all fit in this category at some point in our lives. Humility is really a challenge for everyone who is a follower of Christ. When a Christian sins it echoes louder than an opera singer to a non believer. But we must remain humble and humility can aid in controlling our emotions. Familiarity breeds contempt. In life we take blessings for granted but through Jesus we are given opportunities by his grace and mercy. Our heavenly father gave the people a chance to be redeemed when he instructed Moses to build a bronze snake and when someone was bitten and looked at the bronze snake they did not die. Bronze is a statue for judgment and discarding the snake meant removing the judgment. Jesus is our bronze. Through his commitment and sacrifice our judgment for sin can be removed. This should encourage humility every day in our lives and during the Lent season practice can create a better opportunity to learn to be humble. Heavenly Father, forgive us in our straying moments but please give us the strength to remain humble at all times so your will is always our priority. Let our hearts remain open to always receive your spirit in aiding us to combat worldly influences. Amen. Jeff Fox Comments are closed.